Thursday, April 7, 2016

Blog post #8 responding in your journal to "caring for your introvert"

My roommates and I have actually talked a lot about if we are introverts and extroverts, I am an extrovert. I really enjoyed this essay because my roommate and best friend is an introvert and when I first met her I did think that she didn't like me and that she was a little arrogant. She just isn't one that likes to have small talk is what usually happens when you first meet a person. It was beneficial for me to read this to learn more about that personality type. I was a little offended by the essay just because it talked about how extroverts talk 98% content free. I think that there are definitely different ends of the spectrum with these personalities. I am an extrovert but I can still have content filled, deep conversations with people.

Blog post #7 responding in your journal to "The beguiling truth about beauty"

In paragraph 5 the author says, "Our brains have a built in hot-or-not meter that never stops gathering data." I thought of this statement in two different ways. I feel like I have a hot-or-not meter for myself, how I feel about myself that day and how high or low my confidence is. It also says in this paragraph that self-judgements shift like weather on a spring day. I find this to be true because I definitely change my mind about how I feel about myself or how confident I feel based on my outfit, my make up (or lack thereof), my acne, how much sleep I got, and how much time I had to get ready. This changes daily! I also think people can have a hot-or-not meter for other people. How you look at people when you first meet them, or even when you first see them you make a judgement on how attracted you are to them and you put them in 1 of 2 categories, friend or could possibly be more than friends in the future. I definitely agree with that statement in the essay, in two ways.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Anglo vs. Chicano response

The historical background in the essay helps me to better understand. The history of the conflict brings fight that is going on now to light. The history helps Campa achieve his purpose by connecting all the dots of the cultures and their differences. He shows the contest between the two groups of people. This helps me make sense of it because you can see both sides.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Writing in Your Journal-Chapter 8 Reading

This chapter and essay were really unique, something that I got from it was how differed the world and cultures are everywhere. As I read the essay "Don't just stand there" I thought of how hard and confusing different lines can be. What I mean by this is, where is the line? It can be so easy to offend someone and so hard to offend someone as well. You have to learn all your boundaries with different people. Also people can say something not even knowing that they are offending someone when they really are. I think it is really important to respond to racial slurs or offensive remarks about anything because then people realize what they are really saying, which they might not understand if you don't speak up. I also think it is important to talk to that person alone so they aren't offended. It is important to let people know what they are saying is wrong but you don't want to hurt them in the process.

Responding to questions on Page 268-269.

This essay on discrimination really opened my eyes. Something I find so interesting is that discrimination is not just limited to race. Discrimination can be any kind of prejudice towards any person who is considered "different." This essay is more about black discrimination and specified a lot on that.
I thought about the movie "The Help" a lot while reading this essay. This movie really inspires me because it is so on the edge of free people and slaves. This was a time that African Americans were technically free, but were still being oppressed against.
I have no idea how I would have felt if I was in that position. I have never had any bullying or prejudice go on against me in my life. I think it is hard to understand a situation if you have never been in it but even if you have not been through it you can still have empathy on the people and know what is truly right.

Subject of my narrative essay.

I decided that I want to do my narrative essay on a trip that my family and neighbors took to Disney world last spring break in 2015! This was a trip of a lifetime and I feel like it will be good to write about because it made such an impact on my life and on the relationships with my family.
I have such a passion for disney because of the magic that they provide in their movies, and theme parks and literally everything they do. I have such fond memories of me as a child going to Disneyland with my family and just being so happy. It is something that my family and I are all passionate about and something we all connect and agree on, which is rare. My family has been really blessed in being able to visit the Disney parks a number of times, so our favorite thing to do is to bring friends and family with us on trips to enjoy the magic with them. My favorite people to see is people who have never been before. It is priceless the look on a persons face when they walk into the Magic Kingdom for the first time. Disney has no age! Taking our neighbors on this trip was fun because none of them had been and the excitement level was just as high in the 40 year old as the 5 year old, I think Disney is truly magical in that way, it brings loved ones to a common ground even though it can be hard sometimes.
The parks and weather in florida are just so much fun! I was so happy we got to experience it again for 10 days and with friends. It is truly a trip I will never forget.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

#2 Responding to chapters 4 & 5

Chapters four and five in patterns for a purpose have given me lots of ideas about writing that I have not thought about before. I learned in this chapter that there is no way that you can get through college without a solid base of writing. I have always struggled with reading comprehension and writing about something I have read. Something I found in this chapter that can be helpful. There are three things that can increase your writing the first is Paraphrasing, we can write about what we read by saying it in a different way than the author did. The second is summarizing the main points in the reading. The third is quoting a line or phrase that you particularly liked in the reading. I really liked these points stated in this way because it makes writing for comprehension less of a scary task.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

#1 How I Feel About Reading and Writing

The first chapter of patterns for a purpose made me think about reading and writing in a different way than I have before. The chapter talked a lot about really studying what you are reading, inferring, or guessing what the writer means is like reading between the lines. It is important to do that to figure out what the author is truly saying. Another part I found interesting is that we should question if the facts in the reading are actually facts, the author can dress up a fact as something that may be just the authors opinion that they dress up as a fact.
We must be aware of over generalizing and over simplifying, in our writing as well as when we read other authors works. We have to look for the deep meanings, not what is right in front of our faces.
I found it interesting how they not only talked about reading text but also reading charts, graphs and photos. I have never really thought about "reading" visuals, but it can be helpful when trying to understand what is in front of you. Not just looking at it but analyzing what it really means.