Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Responding to questions on Page 268-269.

This essay on discrimination really opened my eyes. Something I find so interesting is that discrimination is not just limited to race. Discrimination can be any kind of prejudice towards any person who is considered "different." This essay is more about black discrimination and specified a lot on that.
I thought about the movie "The Help" a lot while reading this essay. This movie really inspires me because it is so on the edge of free people and slaves. This was a time that African Americans were technically free, but were still being oppressed against.
I have no idea how I would have felt if I was in that position. I have never had any bullying or prejudice go on against me in my life. I think it is hard to understand a situation if you have never been in it but even if you have not been through it you can still have empathy on the people and know what is truly right.

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