Thursday, April 7, 2016

Blog post #7 responding in your journal to "The beguiling truth about beauty"

In paragraph 5 the author says, "Our brains have a built in hot-or-not meter that never stops gathering data." I thought of this statement in two different ways. I feel like I have a hot-or-not meter for myself, how I feel about myself that day and how high or low my confidence is. It also says in this paragraph that self-judgements shift like weather on a spring day. I find this to be true because I definitely change my mind about how I feel about myself or how confident I feel based on my outfit, my make up (or lack thereof), my acne, how much sleep I got, and how much time I had to get ready. This changes daily! I also think people can have a hot-or-not meter for other people. How you look at people when you first meet them, or even when you first see them you make a judgement on how attracted you are to them and you put them in 1 of 2 categories, friend or could possibly be more than friends in the future. I definitely agree with that statement in the essay, in two ways.

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